Love Bomb

A Canine Poem

Wendy Cohan


My Baby Birdie — Photo by Wendy Cohan

My dog, Birdie, is full of hearts.
One tiny, reddish heart on each cheek,
Blue hearts on her speckled tongue,
A huge heart in the swirl of hair on her brindle chest.
Hearts in her eyes as she stares at me
In the morning, her head nearly on my pillow,
Her tail thumping on the bedspread,
In hopeful anticipation of my awakening.
Birdie was born of love, born to love, pure love.
My older dog, crabby and impatient,



Wendy Cohan

Author of character-driven women's fiction, short stories, and essays. Her contemporary romance, The Renaissance Sisters, debuted May 23, 2023.