Under the Tuscan Sun Works So Well as a Movie…

Because the film precisely follows Joseph Campbell’s twelve steps of the hero’s journey

Wendy Cohan


Photo by Nick George on Unsplash

Under the Tuscan Sun is one of my favorite books, and I love the film even more. Watching it once again on a hot summer afternoon, I was struck by how closely it parallels “The Hero’s Journey,” popularized by Joseph Campbell. In fact, “The Hero’s Journey” is one of the best-known archetypes for telling stories of all kinds. And yes, this story structure can be applied mythological tales, books, short stories, and films. Here’s how I broke it down, when watching Under the Tuscan Sun, a 2003 film that holds up well — starring actress Diane Lane, Sandra Oh, and a talented supporting cast.


The Ordinary World — We meet an attractive, engaging character who is on top of her small world; then, we see her comfortable world toppled by a nasty surprise. Her husband is cheating on her, she’s soon involved in getting a divorce, and her former strong confidence plummets.

The Call to Adventure — The film very quickly introduces us to the idea of Frances’s “hero’s journey,” which turns out to be a “Gay tour of Tuscany.” We learn enough about Frances to know she’s an interesting, engaging, brave, funny, and authentic person. These attributes…



Wendy Cohan

Author of character-driven women's fiction, short stories, and essays. Her contemporary romance, The Renaissance Sisters, debuted May 23, 2023.